Welcome to Sober in the Country, where we help our rural mates say “no thanks” or “not today” to booze.
We’re doing what they said could never be done…
… we’re saving lives by changing the narrative around booze in the bush.
We have a simple message and a bold vision: a future where every single one of our rural and remote mates – from farmers to FIFO workers – know it’s always okay to say ‘no thanks’ or ‘not today’ to booze.

We're a national charity creating radical social change and saving the lives of rural and remote Australians affected by alcohol harm through our advocacy, straight talk, lived experience, partnerships with leading Alcohol and Drug (AOD) organisations, and our online peer-support group, the Bush Tribe.


Click on the arrow of the quick links you’re interested in.

We know an honest conversation can change or save a life, so we’ve provided a way you can hear the stories of people from the bush just like you.

Watch videos of our rural mates sharing their powerful, relatable stories of hope after choosing a life with less or no booze. Here you’ll also find videos of our founder and CEO, Shanna Whan, who started it all by sharing her story – an unfiltered, inspiring tale of both struggles and success – that’s resonated with people all around Australia.
Sober in the Country is a much-needed mental health platform – a safe place to be yourself.
Whether you are curious about getting sober or already rocking your sobriety with many years onboard and being a role model to others, it's packed with useful links and information that is impossible to find all in the one place elsewhere. It's comforting to know that we are not alone and can express our struggles here without judgement. I love Sober in the Country and the Bush Tribe and am very proud to be a member of this like-minded tribe.
Anonymous Bush Tribe member
The Sober in the Country group is a safe haven for me. I feel supported in my highs and lows, held and protected.
As a young woman trying to grapple with the process of ridding alcohol out of my life completely, my journey is being driven by the inspiration of my newfound community. I feel blessed every day to be a part of this network and rural family!
Lily, Bush Tribe member
Living in the country there seems to be greater pressure to drink.
It's generally laughed at when you say you don't drink and are pressured into having one 'with the boy (or girls)', so you don't go out, you don't go to local events. The hardships of farm life and rural isolation means we really enjoy catching up at events, but the drinking culture is in your face. Sober in the Country are all rural/remote people who support each other. [The Bush Tribe] members provide advice, making us feel not so isolated, and especially help with ways to deal with the drinking culture in the bush. I would be lost without the Tribers and Sober in the Country and would have given in to that pressure.
Anonymous Bush Tribe member
I am unaware of any peer support service that has the same level of acceptance and understanding that Sober in the Country has.
You can be 1 day or 10,000 days into your voyage, and you can be abstaining completely or simply trying to reduce – but it's all done with the same kind words and support from your peers.
Terri, Bush Tribe member
I joined the Bush tribe about one week into my sober journey and found I was not alone in everything I was going through.
I only wished I’d joined earlier and had access to the resources before starting to detox. I’m now three years sober and I believe Sober in the Country and its peer support group have played a major role in changing my life.
Steve, Electrician

  • You asked. 
We listened 🤠

Brand new pale pink SITC work shirts (with our new logos, front and back) are now available from our beautiful little mate Carlee at @bairnsdalehorsecentre ! (Pictured here.)

You can visit our website and head to the SHOP tab, or follow the tag to @bairnsdalehorsecentre 

Carlee is a dead set legend and one of the best humans going, who is single handedly raising awareness for a core group of rural charities including @dollysdreamaustralia, @trademutt and us lucky ducks 🦆 

There’s a navy option also.

Thank you Carlee, for the vital work you do to support mental health in rural Australia. We love your work, lady !
  • If you’ve never been bullied for not drinking, or you’ve never had someone tell you that you can’t be trusted because you’re not getting wasted with everyone else - that’s an excellent privilege, and you’re fortunate to never have experienced such things.

However just because it hasn’t happened to you or been your experience - doesn’t mean it’s not the truth of what others have experienced, or still experience.

We hear it every single day, from across the nation, and especially in rural areas.

So what we’d love to ask of you - if you’re one of the fortunate people who has had a privileged position in life - is that instead of challenging what is true for others…. step up, and help us to advocate, educate, and ensure everyone might one day enjoy what you’ve always been freely given ❤️

That’s how we create change.

To those of you who help us, thank you so much. Every single share, like, positive comment, and piece of encouragement helps  SITC to reach those who need to hear this message in their own lives 🤠🤗


#change #awareness #advocacy #education #awareness #rural #mentalhealthawareness #alcohol #sober #sobriety #choice
  • For almost a decade at SITC we have been privileged to witness the absolute bravery of some of our nation’s toughest, most stoic, hard to reach blokes who’ve battled for their very lives against suicidal ideation and alcohol addiction at the same time.

They are often blokey-blokes who were raised being told (on repeat) that it was weak to show emotion, or to express feelings or vulnerability. 

And some of them were beaten bloody for that crime. 

Many did not make it out alive.

Soon we will be sharing even more powerful stories of such tough men, who chose to do things differently …. to reach out, to speak their truth, to share their feelings and the hard times …. and to show the greatest courage of all > strength through vulnerability.

While we help support young and old, men and women … we have a huge and very special place in our hearts for rural men who’ve dug so very deep to find the courage to face that toxic, ancient mentality and  indoctrination, and to find their way forward to health and happiness while helping others up along the way.

They are such heroes to us.

In the words of @theunbreakablefarmer - it ain’t weak to speak.

Thank you to those of you who do invaluable work on the frontlines of men’s mental health in the rural space teaching men a better way.

Men - if you need a cheer squad in your corner and grog has a stranglehold on you - please visit our website and join the Bush Tribe. There is an entire family of good men who can walk next to you. You don’t need to do it alone.
  • How many times have you witnessed when a bloke in a country pub declines a beer …. and almost immediately it’s followed up with the recycled, tired, often “humorously” intended one-liner that “you can’t trust a bloke who says no to a beer?”⁣
⁣Some of you say you have never heard it.⁣
⁣Almost all country people seem familiar with it, though, and plenty of us have been guilty of chucking the line out ourselves.
⁣So, we know full well that’s it’s often delivered in jest.
⁣But the problem is: for some of our mates who are fighting a serious battle against grog - but don’t know how to articulate that they need support to stay off the frothies - well, honestly - it’s adding a heavy load to an already very heavy load.
⁣Which is why our mission via SITC has always been simply about ensuring our mates know it’s #OK2SAYNO. 

Not because we care about you enjoying your beer… but because maybe your mate can’t.⁣
⁣Simple stuff 😉🤙🏼⁣
⁣Thank you to those of you helping us remove this ancient line from our vocabulary so we can get to work replacing it with “no worries mate - what can I get you?”⁣
⁣See how easy it is ? 🤠😬😇⁣